...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Thursday, April 15, 2010


OOOOOH! Laura! It was SO great to talk with you! Or maybe it wasn't...because it made me miss you so much. But, just hearing your voice and sharing stories like always made the thousand miles between us disappear. It also put me at ease that you haven't moved on and replaced me with some random Hawaiian girl. I would have to beat her up (and I think we both know that would be really scary, so maybe you could help me fight her?)

For the rest of you, I'm referring to Laura (duh): Best Friend. College Roommate. Sharer of the most wonderful memories. Closer than any sister (that shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings because my mom didn't give birth to any other girls).

This seems like a tacky response to my roommate and I struggling, but I promise it's not. Things would be so much worse if it weren't for Laura. She has taught me so much about living with and loving people. She's one of the best listeners I know, and shares my sorrows and joys with me in a way that makes me want to be more compassionate, more empathetic. She is generous with everything she has, (and sometimes with my stuff too) and it makes me want to be less selfish. She loves people with intensity and vulnerability. I want to love like that!

She is an excellent teacher and I want to be an excellent teacher. She makes me do things that scare me. She tells me things that are hard to say. She is teaching me how to be a bettter friend. I've got a lot to learn.

Please don't be mad at me and my stalker tendencies. I totally took some pictures without telling you... In the first one, you were talking to James. And the last one, you were saying goodbye. The rest are anyone's guess. They are the Laura that I love so much!

Laura Joy! You bring more joy into my life. I LOVE YOU!


Laura Joy said...

LOL. Good grief ina.

I forgive you. I had to laugh out loud when you said that i was generous even with your stuff. Lol!

I love you and miss you very much too!

Anonymous said...

I love Laura joy too. Great post about her. xxoo to you both. I'll pretend I'm sorta like her. :)