...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I needed to share this

Last night I ended one of my favorite classes. I think I've talked about them before. They are chock-full of personality, which makes teaching them hilarious and challenging. They can make any game work, or they can ruin any lesson that they don't deem worth their time. If they knew how much power they had, I would be in big trouble.

Last night I gave them Chick-fil-A hats that Tara gave me. They loved them. Before that we played a game. The "Reaction Game," the students are supposed to write situations on a card and then we bring them up and people must act out their reactions while everyone else guesses the situation.

For example, You see a hurricane. The student must act how they might act if they saw a hurricane. As a class, we went over a bunch of examples, winning the lottery, getting bitten by a shark, I was excited about the potential of this game with this class.

I knew there was way too much laughter while they were writing them, but when I received everyone's slip of paper here is what they said:
  • Kevin went to be at the hospital
  • Kevin wears a pregnant dress
  • everyone see Kevin kiss an old woman
  • I see Kevin hit police
  • You see Kevin play dolls
  • Kevin has a diamond
  • You see an accident
  • Violet wearing a pregnant dress. I hate Violet.
  • Kevin has a baby
  • Kevin falls in love with old woman
  • Kevin wears a dress
  • I see Kevin marry with Nancy
  • You meet a Korean popstar
  • Kevin pees in the class
  • Kevin hangs out without clothes
  • Kevin dies in the toilet

I was slightly horrified, and I looked over at Kevin who was laughing. I asked him if he thinks it is funny and he said, "Don't worry, I don't shy." They wanted to act out each one with sputtering and choking at the thought of seeing Kevin having a baby (I have no idea how Kevin became the butt of all the jokes). I added my own slips of paper and we played the game for a little while. Good grief. I'm going to miss them.

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