...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Only 2 more Micky Classes

This video is from last week. Lee, who is on the left in the very beginning, is a new student and I just asked Michael to help him (that makes 22 students now, but who's counting, really...). I just went around and filmed the class and when I returned, Michael was doing Lee's work for him.

I only have two more classes with these kids. That is only four hours. And they could possibly be the longest four hours that I have left here. But they are also some of the best. Each new grading period, I am outwardly in disbelief that i STILL have this class, but inwardly I am so pleased.

I am actually getting to know them, and know how to deal with them, and know who is the bully, the bullied, the teacher's pet, the shy one, on and on. I kind of feel like a parent. That is, if I could give birth to 22 children and only have to deal with all of their problems for 2 hours every week...
This morning, I was greeted by Michael, Calvin, and Luke hiding under my desk. I have learned John's handwriting very well. He will do all of his friends' work for them so they can play with whatever toy he has brought. And if I take the toy, he will try to distract me and get someone to look for his toy on the desk. We have had some "encounters."
Kate doesn't smile enough. I didn't even notice that she lost her two front teeth. Peter and John #2. This is from last week and the power went out several times and each time it went completely dark (no windows). Everyone would scream and kids tackled each other. No lights? That's allright. No air conditioning? Oh my, that is a problem.


Deanna said...

Your kids are adorable! Bbbbuuuuuuuuuttttttt, I wouldn't wanna teach them. ;o)

MC and Brian Phillips said...

The little girl in the white glasses? A-dorable. Wow, you must be the most patient person in the world.

Helen said...

They are so cute. I mean really. I love (maybe not) how there was noise the whole time.