...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thanks for Your Support

It's that time...

Tomorrow will mark 2 weeks until I board a plane for Atlanta, Georgia. And as I've written some of you, I will do so with very mixed feelings. Maybe ALL of them. Relief. Nervousness. Ecstasy. Sadness. Guilt. Anxiety. Extreme happiness. Annoyance (you have no idea how many people want to go to the airport with us). So loved (seriously, a lot of people want to come to the airport with us). Excitement. Impatience. Weariness. Peace. And these are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head!

One feeling that I won't be feeling is: Doubt. I have no doubt that this is where I was supposed to be for the last 2 years. And I have no doubt that getting on that plane and going home is the next step. There's a LOT I don't understand about my time here, and I've surely had doubts about things along the way. But looking forward, and looking back, I have full confidence that this was the season for me to be in Vietnam. It might happen again in the future, but in two weeks my time here will be finished for now.

Thank you all so much for joining me in this time, reading my stories, laughing at my cultural faux pas, listening to my complaints, supporting me. Sometimes even just a comment on my blog reminded me that I was not forgotten over here. Your support and pryers mean so much to me. Thank you thank you thank you.

I have sent out nearly 500 letters and packages from Vietnam and received SO MANY from you! Since March of 2009, I have received $ 16,759.00 in support, leaving me with only $115 dollars left to raise. You all have been such a blessing to me.

As soon as I reach that goal, I will let you know. My account number is 208061, or my name, at Teachoverseas.org. I can't thank you all enough.

Here are some pictures from the first to the most recent (Please scroll slowly and pretend that a graduation song is playing in the background):


Laura Joy said...

I teared up a litte.

Wow. Two years. *shakes head* Can't believe it. I have SO loved watching and reading you as you went on this adventure that God was creating for you.

You are the cat's meow.

Mom said...

Love it! You have had an amazing 2 years and I am so proud of you! This blog has been a great way to share your experience....thank you for that!

Helen said...

Lovely. I'm so glad to be your friend. Thanks for sharing your experience! Can't wait to see you.