...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Thursday, May 26, 2011

RIP: my bike

This was the last picture taken of my bike.

It was stolen this morning while I was ordering pictures at the photo shop. I go to many places without security guards watching the bikes, but I've gotten a little too lax. I was only away from it for about 5 minutes, but it was completely out of my sight.

Gotta take better care of my possessions that cost 1 million VND...

But what that thief doesn't know is that my front tire has a slow leak! Take THAT!

I can't even really complain though because this year Steph had her laptop stolen and Brittany had her purse stolen, containing her passport, debit card, ipod, and over 2 million VND. We're leaving a lot more in this country than we expected. It would be nice that I don't have to deal with the bike anymore, except that I already promised it to a friend when I leave...

1 comment:

M.C. said...

aw man, bummer!! But you're right, it could have been worse. And that silly thief is getting what he deserves with that slow leak and all.