...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Roommate December

Reasons that I am thankful for my roommate, Jenni:
  • She is super easy to buy Christmas presents for. I drew her name in our group exchange and I could think of 5 presents just off the top of my head right then. I could easily have gotten her more than the prescribed limit without even resorting to candy, which was my back-up.

  • She doesn't get stuck living in a routine here. I think I could do the same things every week and never stray from it, but she challenges me (without saying it) to do different things. I need a reminder that just because I lived one way last year, doesn't mean that I have to do everything the same this year.
  • These outfits. Jenni really wanted to get them so we went and looked EVERYWHERE until we found ones that fit. A lot of women here wear these every day all day, just in different patterns-- not that we had a lot to choose from in the large sizes...
(and often they can sit like this for a long time. I can get down there, but I'm done after about a minute) (also, I'm pretty sure Jenni is cheating here and not squatting on her heels)


Janell Wright said...

If it wasn't for the blond hair in that last picture you would look totally Vietnamese... haha seriously that is the most Vietnamese anyone western has ever looked- complete with the plastic shoes!

Karissa said...

So, what did you get Jenni for Christmas (if you've already done the exhcnage, which I assume you have since some people are out of town--unless of course you did the exhcnage with just she and you--and in that case, were you surprised that you got Jenni? Does she not read your blog?
sorry I can't spell exhcnage