...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Friday, October 23, 2009

Cassie's Birthday Adventure

Today I went to the market and WHO should I run into, but CASSIE SHIELDS!! How exciting! The two of us were discussing the price of rice and the shopkeeper saw a picture being taken and she jumped up and stood next to me smiling (not kidding). It was hilarious. She was really a great sport.

Later, Cassie and I stopped for something cold to drink. We sat in the little kiddie chairs and shared great conversation.

I have been ordering soymilk at these roadside stands because I don't want coke or orange fanta. I actually really like it now. Cassie really liked it too!

Cassie almost got in trouble with the police. She forgot to wear a helmet! That was very careless of you, Cassie! Everything was fine though; she is a very skilled driver.

For some reason I sneezed about a million times in my class last night. I felt like I was having allergies for no reason. Cassie was very sympathetic and really cheered me up. We stopped at this little shop and had steaming hot noodle soup. And we just shot the breeze. We discussed life, love, and new adventures while sitting in the little plastic kiddie chairs. Cassie, as usual, was all smiles.

That was a really good time. I will cherish these memories.
These pictures are a little out of order, but here we are hanging out before class...

Many Vietnamese are supersticious of the numbers 3, 5, and 7. These are my students who came early to class to finish eating. They wouldn't take a picture with just me because that would be three people (meaning unfortunate consequences for the person in the middle). Thanks Cassie for making this picture possible.

This woman is possibly my favorite person in this country. I just love her smile (that's about all the communication that happens). I wanted her to have a picture with Cassie, but she got so excited about the picture that she threw her arm around me, smiling from ear to ear. So, Cassie and I both got a hug from my favorite person for the first time. It was really special.
Cassie thanks for coming out for your birthday! I know it was quite a distance from Peru, or wherever you are at this moment, but I really had a great time. Come back soon!

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