...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Party. Story In Pictures

Selena and Gloria, two students I have now. They left early, but not before demanding that their class get their own private party at my apartment.
Some of the many many games we played that night. I was afraid we wouldn't know how to entertain them, but they were up for games, which I think might be Jenni's and my specialty... They even tolerated my 'pin the nose on the witch' game! Teaching the girls a new, but important compound word: puppychow.

My student Jack showing off the pumpkins that he didn't help carve at all. I offered him the knife but he would just shake his head vigorously. My student Jesse bobbing for appples. They thought this was ok. But opted to bob for chom choms, which do NOT float. They covered the bottom of the pot with chom choms, and poured in ice and it became a game of stamina. Whatever. They enjoyed it.

I was a Native American, Jenni was a panda, and Phượng wore a mask.

My former student Kevin decided that he would be a Native American too. He painted my face and I painted his. He's the one who organized students coming over to help me prepare, and he stayed until the end. I had him in level 1 last year, and it's really cool to be able to have long conversations with him now. He has improved a lot!Cat, in the middle, is one of my favorite students ever. She's hilarious. I don't know why the font is appearing yellow now...
Thảo and Jenni playing a game during the night.

Students from my favorite class that ended last night. I hope to have them again sometime. They are a lot of fun. Though if they were the perfect class, they would have dressed up in COSTUMES LIKE I TOLD THEM TO!

Phượng was a lot of fun and helped us teach everyone our games

I don't know his name, but he made both Jenni and I jump a little when he lit a bunch of sparklers on our gas stove. I thought that something that shouldn't be coming out of the stove, was coming out of the stove...And later that night, our little neighbor who occasionally takes off her shoes and runs into our apartment, came over for a visit. Even wearing the proper attire.

1 comment:

Mom said...

What fun!! Loved these pictures...