...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dinner for the neighbors

Using every pot, bowl, and plate we own (all 4 in total), along with every spoon (3, two of which they need to return so Jenni and I can stop rinsing and sharing), we prepared an "American " meal for our neighbors: Spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread. And it was better than this presentation might appear. And just so we have a public record of it, Jenni tasted my spaghetti sauce and AGREED that mine was better than what was in the can. Can i get an amen?

Now, just a word about our neighbors... I cannot explain how they are all related. You could ask them and they could explain it to you, and if that happens, please explain it to me. There are 5 of them living now where an elderly couple lived most of the year last year: Khoa, Uyen, Thảo, Anh, Phong. Khoa and Uyen are married to each other and pregnant. The latter three are all 19 years old, but not brothers and sister. I don't understand either.

We met Thảo, Anh, and Phong one night in September, as they paced in front of their door, trying to be nonchalant. I did not have a great start this year and Phượng had been telling me every day for 2 weeks that "tomorrow" we would have internet. And each day I was told again that we'd definitely have it "tomorrow." I had realized that tomorrow was never coming, but this night, I had to blink back tears of disappointment.

That sounds dumb to cry over the internet, but those first few weeks I was sure that it had been a mistake for me to come back this year. I was trying to act fine, but Phượng is one of the most perceptive people I know, and also knows me pretty well and could tell I was upset. So she got upset. Aaaand that's when our new neighbors decided to come make their introduction.
They weren't my favorite people that night, but they really are great. Jenni has gotten really close with Thảo, and they usually invite me along for the ride. I love Khoa (pictured above). He speaks to me in Vietnamese and tells everyone that I'm so easy to understand. And he's hilarious and always smiles like that.

*Picured: Jenni, Thảo, me, Phong, Uyen, Anh

We decided that this was the first meal that we'll make for them, with more to come. Mexican next time, hopefully. We didn't get a picture, but we cleaned every bowl. They ate everything and I was very pleased. Khoa even watched me wipe my plate with the garlic bread and followed suit. Remember our neighbors. I'm sure they'll appear again in another blog soon.

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