...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Monday, October 4, 2010


Some of you have been far more diligent in asking me about my support, than I have been in telling people about my support. I appreciate that so much!

I am back in Vietnam, actually for over six weeks already! I am with a program out of California that is officially known as Educational Services International. I only need to raise an additional $3,500 in expenses this year, which will include my plane ticket home. We also have a very great need for pr@yer support this year!

My teammate, and I are in Ho Chi Minh City, and there are eighteen of us total in the country. We are all teaching English and building relationships in our respective cities. Living here is difficult and wonderful, and we would appreciate any (ANY!) support that you'd be willing to give. And if you want to know more about what we're doing over here, please contact me at ina.carolyn@gmail.com.

If you want to support me financially, you can go to http://teachoverseas.org/contribute.php. My account number is 208061. Truly, I just appreciate that you read my blog every now and then. Thanks so much friends. Thanks for asking about me, and pr@ying for me, and being my friend.

A few weeks ago, we came to our school for a celebration of the Mid Autumn Festival. I'm not completely sure what it is, but it's based on the lunar calendar and that night there was a full moon, and various traditions are upheld. Here's our school:

Many of the younger students came for games, food, a magician, dragon dancers and drums. We stopped traffic and led the children around the park following the dragons and drums.

Here's Jenni with 2 coworkers. One of them is behind her; but I wasn't sure if he seriously thought he was in the picture or not.We had a good time and joined the staff for a big party afterwards. And we also sweated a LOT. Here I am with a former student 'Lisa," who gave me a balloon.

Goodnight from Vietnam and thanks for reading! Thanks to all of have given me so much support already!
ps. Happy Birthday Dad and Leith Tate!
pps. I can't believe no one commented on how cute Tori is. Unbelievable


Laura Joy said...

Tori is stinkin' adorable! I thought that as I read your blog... But I just never commented outloud on it. Happy now?

I think it's interesting that even vitnamese celebrate the harvest moon when they don't even really have a fall. I recall you saying that they only had a dry season and a wet season.

Helen said...

Hey, nice job for remembering mom's b-day! Of course you did.

Carolyn said...

ahaha! thank you BOTH, just what I wanted to hear!
And her birthday is the same as my dad's, that's why. I made a mental note to remember your anniversary AND birthday this year and failed on both accounts. Laura still has a chance though..

MC and Brian Phillips said...

Awe man, I so wanted to, but I'm behind on my blogging and I just read that one tonight, so I never comment if another post has come up 'cause I'm afraid everyone has moved on...but GEEZ! She's so stinkin' cute! I'm just too excited to get her together with her cousin Harper over Thanksgiving. We'll all SKYPE together! And I cracked up and told Brian about the ant named Carolyn. That's is just funny....now for a comment on THIS post! I'm SO PROUD OF YOU! I wish I could send you all the support money you still need. I will certainly send up prayer, and know that you're in my thoughts.