...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Roommate October

Reasons I'm thankful for my Roommate Jenni:

Jenni is seriously willing to do anything. Here she is killing her first Vietnamese roach. She arrived as a self proclaimed "picky eater," but I have witnessed no evidence to support this claim. She has tried everything and she doesn't even know all of the things she has eaten!

She STILL puts up with me. This might be a reason every month, as long as it lasts. I actually think Jenni could live with anyone; quite a gift she has. She doesn't get frustrated at things like I do; another gift.

*disclaimer: This was not taken in Vietnam, nor are these outfits Vietnamese

I've already told you that she's extroverted and willing to go out and make things happen. She goes to an orphanage 2 hours away every other weekend, and an orphanage in HCMC as often as her friend ThuĂ˝ will join her. Good job Jenni! ...She invites me on those Fridays, but that's the day before I have to keep my own classes noses wiped and pants on, and in the moment, there's nothing she could say to convince me to go on a regular basis.

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