...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Dear Mom and Gwynn,

I can't thank you both enough for sacrificing your time and money to come to Vietnam to see me. You were both such troopers, willing to try anything.

You traipsed around the country with me, the sulking tourist, braving the mid-day heat, theiving vendors, dust and pollution, long bus rides, even longer plane rides, stares and scrutiny from locals...

even stepping out in traffic with me (casually is the only way to say it. no one will understand).

And I am most appreciate that you put up with me. I was such a pain in the butt. I can't apologize enough for being such a brat. I just wanted you both to love the Vietnam that I love, but felt like I wasn't doing a very good job, and I was worried that things wouldn't work out, blah blah blah.... I have no legitimate excuses.I wish I had planned better for you. I wish I was better at being a tourist and not as good at being a big whiny baby.I was so pleased that you got to experience some of my district and friends here. THAT is Vietnam to me. I really did forget what is was like to see Vietnam for the first time. I completely forgot how long it took to adjust, and add that on to my unsympathetic personality: I was such a jerk. I hope that seeing the smiles in the pictures will make you forget about my 10 day tantrum..
Thanks for not killing me. I'm so sorry. I hope I haven't forever tainted Vietnam for you.
I appreciate that you were so intersted in everything, and I wish that I knew all of the answers.
I will never forget that you both came to visit me in Vietnam.


Gwynn said...

I'm proud of you.

Mom said...

And you know I love you...and I enjoyed Vietnam. Apology accepted!