...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Friday, September 4, 2009

WE HAVE POWER! Sept. 4, 2009

After several days of writing haikus, playing MASH (it turns out, my first born son will be called Angkor Wat and that the family vehicle will be a cyclo), and eating oreos by candlelight, our electricity was turned on sometime this afternoon. The only casualties in this ordeal were some leftovers and fruit in the fridge that we just didn't have a chance to get around to. We have also learned the Vietnamese word for power bill, though we can't actually pronounce it yet.

This video is from last week:

Every day I would see these little white puffy things in what looked like a glass case. It looked like a crunchy meringue to me and I had a sweet tooth and was excited about digging into it. I paid the woman for it and when she opened the door, I realized that it was in some kind of steam oven, not just sitting on a shelf. And as I carried it away, I noticed that it wasn't light and airy, but it heavy like a brick; that was intriguing. Next time Erica will get to try one with video.


robert austell said...

"I'll call it sausage..."

You are my adventuresome hero(ine). :)


momma c said...

I love it, especially the Carolyn chuckle! Do more of these.
