...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I will not be updating this frequently, but we came for coffee and still have time before the Int'l Fellowship. Here's a picture from yesterday.

We were told that there is "group think" here, where they see us as being one group instead of two individuals. We haven't done must to dispell that since we have done everything and gone everywhere together. And I haven't minded yet either. We have noticed that they seem to do orders the same way. For example, when Erica orders a drink and then I order a different drink, that changes the drink order and they bring out two of what I ordered. That's hard to communicate with pointing and smiling.
Fortunatelyy Erica is a good sport, though it usually turns out better when she orders.

Here is the smoggy sunset from our apartment

1 comment:

Barney said...

Oh yes you are quite clever, but this you already know but since I am also so clever I thought you might wish to know how clever you really are in by putting it into the perspective of how clever I am .*