...Because if you're not in Asia, you're in yesterday

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

ERIN AND KRIS(and Anthony and Ryann and probably more)!!! LOOK what arrived in time for St. Patrick's Day!

We haven't had internet for a couple of days, and I can't seem to load these on facebook, so here they are! **Please note that these are reasons why I am talking about this package and not other packages. I don't want to seem biased... I really have received some great letters and packages.

This one contained a WONDERFUL assortment including (one of my favorite things!) refrigerator word magnets!! I immediately got them all out and spent (I am not kidding) an hour in front of the fridge making different phrases. And there was stationary(with envelopes that you LICK and not GLUE, woot!), a sweet bag, BUNNY EARS, a journal, some loungy pants (that fit), a puzzle (that was the perfect present for our neighbor's son's birthday!), and My Little Book of Words, which my students LOVED and so did Phuong and Jenny!

You might notice that there aren't any pictures of you guys on my fridge. That's becaue they're in my room. Just want to clear that up right away.

I brought an awesome St. Patrick's Day hat to Vietnam and I was really excited about telling the story of St. Patrick, but no one seemed to care. A couple of people said they knew already, but they were lying. Oh well. There's always next year. Maybe?



Ina said...

What neat gifts!! Why can't I think of things like that?!! You look adorable!!!

Mom (!) said...

Is that a new purse??

momma c said...

Yea! Glad you got it! We had fun picking stuff out. Have missed "talking" with you lately, hope you ae doing well!

ps- I started this account to comment on Erin's blog in SA, so now it comes across for all as 'momma c'.

Anonymous said...

First of all- the first thing I noticed in the photos is how TINY your refrigerator is! You are having to SQUAT to be the same height as it is! Reminds me so much of SA!

So glad you got the package. I was really starting to worry.

hey question, did I send candy to you? I felt like I did but I can't remember... if I did, did it make it to you in good shape? or melted?

so glad the pants fit.

So glad you enjoy everything in the package. Me and my mom really enjoyed shopping with you in mind.

We love you dearly!

Andrea said...

I love your pictures!